This is a new series of Back To Basics posts, where I am going to demonstrate some of the things that I will do on just about every QlikView project I work on. These posts are for new users and more experienced ones that want to pick up a new trick or two.

Back To Basics

One of my posts on QlikCommunity recently got an extremely positive response, when I thought I simply was stating the obvious. it then occurred to me that there are a number of things that I do so often that they have become second nature – but they may not seem so obvious to others. That it why I am starting this series of posts – and commencing with the topic from that QlikCommunity post: sorting your QlikView Server folder structure.

Putting The Fault into Default

There are no doubt a number of opinions on the best way to set up your QlikView folder structure (which you are free to share in the comments on this post), but what is universally agreed is that the installation default makes no sense. When you first look at your QMC settings you will see that the folder for publishing QlikView documents is nestled under your Program Files folder and has a handful of demo documents to clutter your Access Point. One of the first things I always do when I go into QMC for the first time is change this, to what I believe to be QlikView best practice.

Mounting Folders In QlikView

For those that are not aware, your published folder configuration can be found in QMC under System / Setup / QlikView Servers / {Your Server Name} / Folders. Here you can set a root folder and a number of sub folders. Ensure that all folders actually exist on your server and that you click the Apply button (I tend to click this twice – just to be sure). Mounting QlikView Folders

Any QlikView document placed in any of these folders or sub folders within them will appear in Access Point (provided the user has the correct AD permissions). For this reason it is important to not mount a folder that sits within another mounted folder – as all documents in that folder will appear in Access Point twice. Given the way that sub folders are included there is only the need to mount a Root folder and then create folders within there. I would however not recommend this. By mounting other folders you have more control over where your documents sit, you can also remove documents from Access Point (perhaps temporarily) without physically removing the files. In this way the Root folder becomes much like the rest of the folders – and I always leave this one empty (you will find system files with a .pgo extension get created in here).

Bring Structure To Your QlikView Folders

As to the structure itself I will typically create a QlikView Documents folder on the data drive of the server (often D:\) and everything else under there. In here I will create folders for the Root folder, Development files, Logs, QVDGeneration, staging Data, SourceData, Images, Themes and also a Published folder – to contain the folders I will mount. The folders within published will change from installation, but will always contain a System folder (for Ops Monitor and other small system apps I use (more on these in a later post)) and then often folders for each area of the business. The end result will look a bit like this: QlikView Folder Structure

By setting up a sensible structure at the outset much pain can be saved later on. The ability to mount and unmount folders at a granular level makes life a lot easier.

Final Notes

Note that if you have Publisher you will set up the QVDGeneration folder under Distribution settings and the only folders you will mount are Root and those under the Published folder. If you do not have Publisher you will need to mount QVDGeneration also, in order that you can schedule reloads.

You may have noticed I create a Logs folder under QlikView documents, the default logging location also needs to be changed under the QMC settings to point to this folder (on the Logging tab under Server Setup). For more information on setting up mount folders please refer to the QlikView Server manual, search QlikCommunity or feel free to ask a question below.