No one can deny the analytical power of QlikView. What can sometimes let it down though is its ability to produce quality static or printed output. Enter NPrinting and it’s shiny new PixelPerfect feature.
Out Of The Box
Some time ago I blogged on the reporting feature that is included with QlikView. Whilst it ticks the box for static output and with a bit of perseverance and some tricks it can produce reasonable output it is certainly not ideal. With native QlikView reports the output can only be pulled from the server without purchasing expensive Publisher and PDF Distributor licences.
This is why we have long been big fans of NPrinting.
Replacing Missing Features
With the QlikView API and the addition of Extensions into QlikView Qlik has for some time made it clear that they embrace third parties building bolt-ons for QlikView. To see a reasonably comprehensive list just take a look at the QlikMarket. This allows Qlik to focus on the core functions of QlikView knowing that third parties will produce solutions to address everything else. NPrinting addresses the requirements for timely, attractive, static output.
By leveraging Microsoft’s product set (Excel, Word and Powerpoint) NPrinting allows users to build templates and populate them with fresh data from QlikView. The server component then allows scheduling of output – via email or by saving to a network location or a web server. By providing the ability to create and distribute static output you can reach out to users who don’t have a need to interact with data and to users who are outside the company without having to give them access to QlikView.
Constantly Improving
Having a great product hasn’t stopped Vizubi (the developers behind NPrinting) adding more and more features. Greater support for different template types have been added over the versions and NPrinting reports can now be produced by a web based user On Demand. This feature means that a user can self serve the report they want, with the data they want when they need it. If you already use NPrinting, but have not seen OnDemand, then it is well worth exploring this new way of getting your reports to users.
One of NPrinting’s strengths has always been the ability to leverage templates created in products that users are already familiar with. Whilst this allows quick creation of templates, it also means the output is limited by the template it is created in. PixelPerfect allows you to create reports without being bound to an Office template.
Developers who have previously used Crystal Reports or Reporting Services will feel instantly at ease with the UI for creating PixelPerfect reports. Those who have not done so have nothing to fear as the building of reports is totally intuitive. Where this product scores over Crystal and SSRS is that all the calculations are done in QlikView – leveraging the investment you have already made in designing and building your apps. As with building other types of NPrinting output you simply drag content from QlikView into your report. Once in your report you have total control over how things look – so you really can make your output from QlikView Pixel Perfect.
See For Yourself
If you would like more information on NPrinting, would like to be given an online demo or want to download and try NPrinting for yourself please get in touch with us.
Further details on NPrinting can be found here:
You will soon see why it is our tool of choice for static output from QlikView.
Hi steve,
When we integrate QV objects like straight tables and Pivot tables into a web application and when we export the data of them into an excel sheet from the options available in the title bar of a chart , is there a change of getting Pixel perfectness or we should compulsorily use things like Nprinting or Publisher(for Excel especially).
Kiran Kumar
There are limitations around most of the ways of getting data out of QlikView, to Excel for example you can not set different text formats and column widths. NPrinting can remove a lot of those limitations. The PixelPerfect tag though is referring to how charts are rendered. When QlikView renders a chart it is done for screen presentation – that is at a certain resolution. If you send this out to print it will look a bit pixelly. With PixelPerfect in NPriting the chart is re-rendered for print, which means a DPI more appropriate for that purpose can be used. If you have the requirement to see your visualisations on a printed page (or even in a PDF) I would strongly recommend investing in a few NPrinting licences.