QlikView Tutorial

Quick Intelligence QlikView Tutorials

Learn QlikView concepts and techniques. Our QlikView tutorial posts include vidoes, step-by-step guides and demonstrations created by our consultants to help you to become a better developer.

We have also created a range of QlikView examples to illustrate solutions posted to questions asked on QlikCommunity.

QlikView Include Files

When developing QlikView apps it is a good idea to develop standards that you adopt across all of your documents. A good way of ensuring these standards are followed is to use Include files in your load scripts. QlikView Include files are snippets of code that are stored as text files outside of the QlikView app. Use of includes across multiple apps allows for effective code reuse. […]

By |2013-04-03T11:40:28+00:00February 27th, 2013|Load Script, QlikView Tutorial|14 Comments

Qlik Sense and QlikView Optimised QVD Loads

In previous articles I have mentioned how critical it is to ensure your loads from QVD are optimised, but have not gone into the detail of how to do this. This post rectifies that.  Here I explain what an optimised load is, why you should use them and how to perform them. […]

By |2023-04-08T16:16:06+00:00February 20th, 2013|Load Script, QlikView Tutorial|37 Comments

Qlik Sense or QlikView Incremental Load

Analysis in QlikView is lightening quick, millions of rows can be aggregated and manipulated with very little latency.  Getting those millions of records off a server elsewhere on your network – now that can be a different matter.  This is where a robust QVD strategy and QlikView Incremental Loads become crucial. […]

By |2023-04-05T20:30:31+00:00January 24th, 2013|Load Script, QlikView Tutorial|90 Comments

QlikView Themes

Often I go onto a new (or prospective) client site and have a limited amount of time to impress any number of people from a cold start.  It’s days like these I am pleased to have QlikView in my kit bag!  But even with the right tools you still need something to give you that edge.  I often find that QlikView themes can be that something. […]

By |2013-06-12T16:50:36+00:00December 10th, 2012|QlikView Tutorial|13 Comments

QlikView Design

As you probably already know as your reading this; QlikView has an incredibly rich palette of design options. Your data can be surfaced and presented in all manner of ways with pizzazz – making it leap off the page and demand to be noticed. However, not all attention is good – if your latest chart creation is noticed only for its dizzying array of colours then it is likely that the insight in the numbers will have been lost. […]

By |2017-03-02T11:51:47+00:00August 20th, 2012|QlikView Tutorial, Video|8 Comments

Take a shared QlikView

The QlikCommunity is a fantastic resource for QlikView developers and users alike. It allows members to post questions and get quick results relating to anything to do with QlikView. I contribute whenever I can to this forum, providing solutions to users development issues. Sometimes descriptions are not enough and the best way to help is to upload a working example. That is one of the reasons QlikCommunity has a Shared QlikViews section. […]

By |2023-04-08T15:20:16+00:00June 12th, 2012|QlikView Tutorial|10 Comments

The Power of… Yellow?

There have been a number of articles recently about the significance of colour within the QlikView universe [see Green is the Colour].  The branding and strong message of selection of the Green, the association of the items shown in White and the valuable otherwise hidden insights that can be found in the Grey.  These three colours are part of what makes the QlikView user experience so engaging and easy to pick up. […]

By |2019-03-19T12:53:48+00:00May 24th, 2012|QlikView Tutorial|6 Comments

Perfect Your QlikView Data Model

Recently I blogged on the pitfalls of not investing sufficient effort at the start of a QlikView project to avoid problems later on (see the post Start Your QlikView Project The Right Way).  In this article I advised that the single most significant factor in whether a QlikView project is a success is a well designed data model.  Here I would like to share some of my suggestions for getting the data model right, as this could save you a lot of pain if you are just about to build a QlikView Document or indeed a whole environment. […]

By |2016-06-25T01:47:40+00:00December 3rd, 2011|Load Script, QlikView Tutorial|60 Comments
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