The Quick Intelligence blog has been running for a number of years now. Here’s my pick of the top five posts over those years from tutorials to opinion posts.

This post is part of a series of blog posts written to celebrate the fact that Quick Intelligence has it’s fifth birthday this September. Each part of the series is a Top Five list, this time it is the…

Top Five Quick Intelligence Blog Posts

1. What Makes a QlikView Developer?

This was quite an early post, looking at the various qualities required to be a skilled QlikView Developer. QlikView is different to many other tools as to use it well you need to be adept at many different things; from coding skills, through numeric acumen to having an eye for design.

The post has become more relevant with the release of Qlik Sense. This new product could erode the role of the developer – but I maintain that you do without the skills of a gifted developer at your peril.

Erica Driver did a subsequent post where she referred to QlikView developers as spanners (meaning they span different job roles). Unfortunately here in the UK a spanner is what we call a wrench, and is often used as a derogatory term!

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2. ApplyMap – Is It So Wrong?

In this post I confess to having a bit of a thing for ApplyMap. It remains one of the features that I believe makes the QlikView scripting language as powerful as it is.

As a tutorial piece, I often refer back to this post when doing classroom training. It starts with the basic syntax and moves on to more in depth usage, such as using an ApplyMap in another MAPPING statement and nesting ApplyMap statements. These techniques can take the usefulness of ApplyMap to a level you may not have considered.

Even if you think you know about ApplyMap already I recommend you give this post a read.

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3. Write To CSV With QlikView STORE

This post is another tutorial one, where I take a statement that most likely everyone will have used – and suggest a different usage for it. By writing to a text file during the load script, QlikView can be used to clean data ready for import into another application or database.

Other text based files can also be created, such as configuration files, batch files and HTML files. The post contains a working example of how to write to a Web page with fresh data on each reload. With a little bit of CSS added, neat presentation of data can be achieved, which can be consumed by users without going into QlikView itself. Great for pushing information to an externally facing website, or for use on a wall board.

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4. Perfect Your QlikView Data Model

There were a number of posts I could consider putting here, relating to data modelling and load script techniques. This is because it is where I believe more than half the effort in building a QlikView app should go. If your data model is correct everything else will be simpler and perform better. Trust me.

This post gives an overview of good QlikView Data modelling and talks about some of the techniques I use time and time again when designing and implementing QlikView apps. Applying these kind of techniques can knock considerable amount of time off of your load scripts and make apps much more performant.

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5. Help! I’ve Locked Myself Out

When blogging you want to try and impart knowledge that your readers are really going to thank you for sharing. Hopefully I have managed to do this with quite a few of my posts. This post however is perhaps one where this applies most.

I can’t think of anything more frustrating than having a document that you have spent a long time working on inaccessible to you due to Section Access. This post advises how you can avoid this happening to you. If reading this post has prevented this happening to anyone, then the time I spend blogging about QlikView is worthwhile.

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The Top Five QlikView Videos

Apologies for the slightly self indulgent nature of this blog post (but it is our birthday)!

The final post in this series though is going to be all about your choices. We want you to vote for your favourite QlikView YouTube videos, and the results will be posted on the Quick Intelligence blog next week. Please get involved with the survey – we would love to hear from you.